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Hi guys, this time i will share my experience when i want to copy article from another site. When i press right click button of mouse, option copy disable(cannot copied) and then i remember about javascript. So i try to explore browser option, the end i was found it.

Here the step to disable javascript.
1. Choose "Tools" option on your browser(Firefox, Cometbird i use it).
2. Click "options".
3. Click "content".
4. Unchecked "Enable Javascript".

Screen Snapshot of cometbird

OK it's finish a little tips for my visitors.
Please leave comment after read it, i hope useful for you.

Best regards,

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  1. alkatro // October 24, 2009 8:43 PM  

    u can use the old tips too: just click Ctrl S (save as) on this page, so all parts of this page saved on your desktop. thank 4 visiting my blog happy weekend :)

  2. Laskar Jomblo // October 29, 2009 11:50 AM  

    Pagi juga bos...
    Trims atas jawabannya bos....

    Iya nih , klo kualitas jelek malah lancar muternya....

    hehehehe.... :D

  3. nahj12 // November 07, 2009 9:17 AM  

    thanks for the tips.. :)

  4. Anonymous // November 18, 2009 10:26 AM  

    Hey sismadi makasih ya buat kunjungannya dan komentarnya....salam kenal aja bos

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