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A couple days i was banned by shoutmix.com, i think too many sent with the same message when i'm blogging...You knows if we must send with different messages every shoutmix widget on blog or website is too tired, so i do to copy and paste message to shoutmix widget on another blog or website.

But don't worry, i give you tips. Today i was released from shoutmix banned. This is a little tips must to do if you got banned.
A few reason shoutmix banned:
1. Banned from user administrator(Owner blog or website)
* User admin can banned special visitors to do spamming

The Solution, Just send email to owner blog or website was banned you to release your IP or Url.

2. Banned from shoutmix administrator
* We do blogging overload message sent an hour,usually 600 hundred message
* We are usually use the same messages to leave message on shoutmix widget
* We are usually sent html code to shoutmix widget

The Solution:
1.Log in to shoutmix.com
2.Choose tab help

3.click tab ban

4.Click contact us accordingly type of banned you got

And below i did it to release my blog from shoutmix banned.

1. The first step, log in as Administrator.

2. Fill password to log in.

3. If you see ban deleted, it is mean that your blog has release.

OK, for any body get banned by shoutmix just patient wait confirm from administrator.
A like usual after read it,just leave message.

Best regards,

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  1. secangkir teh dan sekerat roti // November 29, 2009 10:03 AM  

    takut juga kena banned sama SM, hehehe

  2. blogger kuningan // November 29, 2009 7:29 PM  

    good tips & very helpful for me ..thank for sharing brothers

  3. scribbler // November 29, 2009 8:36 PM  

    Hi. Thanks for the tips.. I'll know what to do if ever my ShoutMix box ever gets banned. :)

    thanks for dropping by my blog.

  4. Facechan // November 29, 2009 8:47 PM  

    wah2.. akhir2 ini emang banyak postingan ttg banned shotmix...

    jadi banyak yang cari alternatif shotmix....

    nice info...

  5. Sharing ilmu melalui ebook // November 30, 2009 7:29 PM  

    thanx for the tips..
    berguna buat yg tukang spam.. :D

  6. dimas abi galoga // November 30, 2009 9:30 PM  

    thank you for your tips
    very useful

  7. soff-tis // November 30, 2009 10:49 PM  

    great tips thanks for sharing ^O^

  8. woody // December 03, 2009 6:50 PM  

    great tips friend...very usefull for all blogger..keep up :)

  9. Unknown // December 10, 2009 7:43 PM  

    i did it

  10. Mich // December 14, 2009 9:52 PM  

    nice info :)
    tapi kasihan kk kalau yang gak ada pas >.<

  11. affan_far90@live.com // September 17, 2010 5:26 PM  

    macam mana nak detect spe yang ban kita?


  12. forex trader // July 14, 2012 7:42 PM  

    nice stuff this shoutmix

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